When you are pregnant there are so many things running through your mind. You want to be as prepared as possible to ensure you are ready for that little bundle of joy when they arrive. You do all your research on the best car seats, cribs, strollers, etc, but how much research do you do on the newborn photographer? Have you even thought about newborn photos? There are many things to consider when choosing the right newborn photographer, after all, they will be holding your most precious asset. Remember, you only get one chance to get their newborn photos, is it worth risking it with an inexperienced photographer? Below are some things to consider to ensure you choose the right photographer for you. You can also checkout my website. I have a dedicated homepage for my newborn photography since I specialize in Newborn, Weddings and Family Photography. Here is the link.
The first thing you would probably want to look at is their portfolio. There are many different styles to photography out there and if you don't like the style of the photographer, it is a non-starter. Just like with food, people have different tastes for photography. I follow different photographers from around the world. I don't like to follow local photographers since you could start to look too much alike. Any photographer who tells you they don't follow other photographers would be lying. I am not saying I copy their styles, but in order to stay relevant in the industry, you have to get ideas from somewhere. I'm sure you've gotten on Pinterest
for new ideas for a party, outfit, or recipe idea. There are lots of photographers that I respect. Here is a link to my portfolio. I try and keep it as up-to-date as possible, but I don't always have the time. If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you can get an idea of recent shoots that I have done.
Not all editing is created equal. Editing is by far the most time consuming part of the process. Each photographer may edit a little different. Some edit better than others and some send out the editing to a third party. I have invested a lot of money in my Photoshop Presets and prefer to handling the editing on my own. I feel that only the person who took the picture truly knows what they were going for with that particular picture. Lucky for you, I am super picky when it comes to the editing process. I look for even the smallest details to correct. My husband always gets on me about this. He says, "why are you so picky, the client will never notice a detail that small." I tell him, "but I know and that's all that matters." Most photographers will edit in LightRoom and avoid Photoshop at all costs. I used to be this way in the beginning. Now, I love Photoshop and prefer it over LightRoom. They are both Adobe products, but Photoshop is capable of a lot more. The picture below could never be done in LightRoom. It is actually two different pictures merged into one. If your newborn photographer can't use Photoshop, you are missing out on a lot of good pictures.
An experienced photographer can make a world of difference. I am going into my seventh year of business as a professional photographer, but have been taking pictures of newborns non-professionally years before that. I have pictures of my daughters throughout my house. When I look at the pictures today, I can see how my photography has evolved over the years. If it wasn't so expensive to swap out all the canvases that I have, I would do them all over. There are lots of things you don't know when you first start out. As you learn to deal with more situations, you learn tricks along the way. This is especially important when it deals with baby safety. There is nothing more important than the safety of your baby. Not all poses will work for all babies either. Every baby is different. Once I am working with your baby, I can get a feel for what will work and what won't. I know some parents don't want to hear this because they may see a real cute pose on my website or Facebook, but it may not work for their baby at that time. There is no doubt that a photographer with more experience will have better pictures than someone just starting out. I am not saying to not use a new photographer because everyone has to start somewhere, but there is a quality difference between the two. I can say this first hand from where I was to where I am now.
What many people don't realize is how expensive some of the props cost. I have been "collecting" props for close to a decade now. I have an incredible amount of blankets, backdrops, props, etc to choose from. You do not have to bring anything to the session. I have to constantly purchase new props throughout the year just so my pictures continually look different. I am sure I have just what you need to capture your baby the most precious way possible. When searching for a newborn photographer, you can get a feel for what props they have by "stalking" their Facebook page. LOL If you have something in particular you are looking for make sure you ask ahead of time.
Having a professional photography studio can make a big difference. When I first started out I used to photograph right out of my house. I made due with it, but it is nothing compared to having a studio. When you have a studio you can control all the lighting and every aspect of the session. When searching for a photographer, ask if they have a studio or dedicated space for taking the pictures. There are some photographers who will also come to your house for the pictures. I understand this is a great convenience, but it is very hard to know what the lighting situation will be like when you get there. I do not offer this service. Here is a link to a few pictures of my studio along with a few pictures below.
Just like you would check for references before hiring someone for a job, it is always good to check references for a photographer. I have lots of reviews out there you can check out on Google or Facebook, but I have plenty of happy clients that would be willing to provide feedback as well. Just send me an email and I will provide a few references.
This is the last thing I will mention for good reason. The investment of a newborn session differs from photographer to photographer and where you live. Although cost is a factor, I don't think it should be the main factor. Is cost important? Of course it is, but some things are hard to put a price on. Have you ever purchased a new tv and they ask if you want the service plan? I normally turn it down. But what if you have problems with the tv a year from now? You look back and wish you bought the warranty. The cost of a quality newborn photographer is similar to that philosophy. You can't go back later and add the warranty on that television just as you can't retake the newborn photos a few weeks after they are born. You have one shot to get the pictures. I like to photograph newborns within the first few days of life. As you get farther away from this date, the babies don't sit still and can be very hard to deal with. There are some exceptions to this, but that is a general rule of thumb. Keep in mind these photographs will be in your family for generations, they will be shown again in 30 years time at your child's wedding, then resurface when your child is expecting their own baby. When you hold these photographs in 35-40 years time, you will close your eyes and be able to recall everything about your child when they were newborns - their baby 'smell', the warmth of their bodies, their little fingers and toes. These photographs will not only serve as documentation - they will serve as food for your soul.
This is by no means an all inclusive list on what you need to find the perfect newborn photographer. It is meant as a guide so you can the proper questions to ask and know what to look for when choosing the photographer who will help capture your memories forever. If you are interested in booking a session, you can do so from this link or go to my website.

About Me
I was born and raised in Perry hall (Baltimore area) and have been living in Harford County Maryland for close to 15 years. I have two daughters that keep me very busy and a very understanding husband that helps keep me sane :) I love all kinds of photography including Newborns, Weddings and Family. For the past several years I performed shoots out of my house, but recently opened a photography studio in Joppa, Maryland next to the “The Great Hall” Wedding Venue at the Millstad. My studio allows the perfect lighting to capture the best pictures and it is surrounded by 40 acres of property that is used by a ballet studio and gymnastics facility. There are plenty of places to photograph! I also have some favorite beautiful spots in the area that I like to photograph at as well. Whether you are looking to capture the first days of your baby’s life, the important times with your family, Senior Portraits for your High School Graduation, or walking down the aisle on your special wedding day, I would love for you to consider me! I do not take any of my business for granted and feel blessed to do what I love for my career. I invite you to check out my website and subscribe to my email list for exclusive discounts and updates. I try and write these blogs in a way that might answer some questions you may have. If you ever have any ideas for my blog, shoot me an email and I will be happy to see what I can do. Feel free to check out my testimonials.
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